Team Triple A Logo

Triple A

MSLA team



Overhaul Standings

Rank Points
Season 1 36 413

Premier Series - Season 1

The Marble 500
  • 2021/01/08 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 500 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
Triple A + 0
The Delta 214
  • 2021/01/14 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 214 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
0 Triple A + 0
The Scoville 300
  • 2021/01/22 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 300 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
0 Triple A + 0
The Shoutout 333
  • 2021/01/25 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 333 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
0 Triple A + 0
The Raven 176
  • 2021/01/29 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 176 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
5th AboveAverageVicuna 96 70th 245 96 + 96
38th 38 Triple A 96 + 96
The Ribbon 325
  • 2021/02/05 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 325 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
408th AlterEgo1101 0 84th 18 97 + 0
448th adriannahankey 0 10th 1 196 + 0
--- AboveAverageVicuna 0 89th 19 96 + 0
44th 6 Triple A 96 + 0
The Umbrella 150
  • 2021/02/10 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 150 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
94th AboveAverageVicuna 7 85th 4 103 + 7
335th adriannahankey 0 17th 7 196 + 0
--- AlterEgo1101 0 99th 15 97 + 0
48th 4 Triple A 103 + 7
The Moustache 100
  • 2021/02/13 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 100 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
340th AboveAverageVicuna 0 106th 21 103 + 0
--- adriannahankey 0 24th 7 196 + 0
--- AlterEgo1101 0 120th 21 97 + 0
51st 3 Triple A 103 + 0
The Intimidator 333
  • 2021/02/18 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 333 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
245th adriannahankey 0 25th 1 196 + 0
349th AboveAverageVicuna 0 129th 23 103 + 0
--- AlterEgo1101 0 144th 24 97 + 0
52nd 1 Triple A 103 + 0
The Boomerang 300
  • 2021/03/04 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 300 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
52nd adriannahankey 49 17th 8 245 + 49
241st AboveAverageVicuna 0 144th 15 103 + 0
--- AlterEgo1101 0 160th 16 97 + 0
47th 5 Triple A 152 + 49
The Arrival 200
  • 2021/03/06 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 200 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
6th adriannahankey 95 4th 13 340 + 95
12th AboveAverageVicuna 89 43rd 101 192 + 89
--- AlterEgo1101 0 184th 24 97 + 0
32nd 15 Triple A 336 + 184
The Checkmate 225
  • 2021/03/09 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 225 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
126th adriannahankey 0 5th 1 340 + 0
249th AboveAverageVicuna 0 53rd 10 192 + 0
--- AlterEgo1101 0 208th 24 97 + 0
37th 5 Triple A 336 + 0
The Rick Roll 250
  • 2021/03/12 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 250 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
81st adriannahankey 20 5th 0 360 + 20
--- AboveAverageVicuna 0 62nd 9 192 + 0
--- AlterEgo1101 0 230th 22 97 + 0
37th 0 Triple A 356 + 20
The Badger
  • 2021/03/20 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 250 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
44th adriannahankey 57 5th 0 417 + 57
--- AboveAverageVicuna 0 70th 8 192 + 0
--- AlterEgo1101 0 241st 11 97 + 0
34th 3 Triple A 413 + 57
The MSLA 350
  • 2021/03/26 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 350 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
192nd AboveAverageVicuna 0 82nd 12 192 + 0
206th adriannahankey 0 6th 1 417 + 0
382nd AzureShok 0 244th 18 99 + 0
--- AlterEgo1101 0 261st 20 97 + 0
36th 2 Triple A 413 + 0