
Become an MSLA Community Cup Host

Introducing the MSLA Community Series!

Attention all Marbles on Stream enthusiasts and Twitch streamers! We're thrilled to announce the launch of the highly anticipated MSLA Community Series! Get ready for an action-packed season of thrilling marble races and intense competition within the vibrant MSLA community.

How does it work?
Streamers in The MSLA Community will have the opportunity to showcase their racing prowess by participating in the Weekly Community Races. Weekly Community Races will be posted to a special channel in The MSLA Discord server. These weekly posts will indicate what track and lap count must be run and streamers will have one week to complete the race on their channel LIVE and post their results.
But that's not all!
Viewers, you can also join the fun by showing up and racing in the designated events. At the end of the season, all submitted race results will be combined to determine The MSLA Community Series Champion
Share your journey!
We want to celebrate your participation and make sure everyone knows about the incredible races happening in the MSLA Community Series. Streamers, don't forget to inform The MSLA Staff in advance about your upcoming races, so we can announce them on our Twitter and Discord platforms, boosting your visibility and engaging the wider community. We ask for 2 days notice to get your races added to the Events.
Mark your calendars!
The MSLA Community Series kicks off June 2023. Prepare your marbles, gather your community, and let the races begin! Stay tuned for more updates on the race challenges, announcements, and all the exhilarating moments that the series has in store.
MSLA Community Streamer Requirements
Attention MSLA Community Streamers! To ensure a smooth and engaging experience for all participants, we kindly ask you to adhere to the following requirements when taking part in the MSLA Community Series:
  1. Be a subscriber to the MSLARacing channel on Twitch: To join the ranks of MSLA Community Streamers, make sure you are subscribed to the MSLARacing channel. This subscription helps support the MSLA Community and its initiatives.
  2. Minimum of 10 racers per race: It's essential to have a minimum of 10 real racers in each race. We want to foster an active and lively racing environment, so please ensure that only genuine participants are involved. Bot accounts will not be counted toward the minimum racer requirement.
  3. Be present and active during the race: To maintain the competitive spirit and fairness, we expect all MSLA Community Streamers to be actively present during the races. Avoid going AFK (Away From Keyboard) during the race to ensure an exciting and engaging experience for viewers and fellow racers. (yes potty and water breaks are okay)
  4. No Long Load races: We aim to keep the races flowing smoothly and avoid delays caused by long load times. Please make sure to test your setup and ensure that your races do not have excessive loading times. The current 30 min max timer in Marbles on Stream is okay to run. This will help maintain the pace and excitement of the MSLA Community Series.
  5. Ensure that Marbles on Stream is the primary game and content during your MSLA Community Race. While you may incorporate additional elements or interactions, the focus should predominantly be on showcasing the Marbles on Stream gameplay.

Get ready to roll, strategize, and chase the championship in the MSLA Community Series. We can't wait to witness the thrilling races, incredible comebacks, and unforgettable moments that will define this season. See you on the tracks!

Please feel free to join the MSLA Racing Discord, and ask any questions you may have about the Community Cup Series