Team Serenity Logo


MSLA team



Overhaul Standings

Rank Points
Season 1 24 572

Premier Series - Season 1

The Marble 500
  • 2021/01/08 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 500 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
292nd chessgenius142857 0 292nd 0 + 0
379th scotlandserenity 0 379th 0 + 0
46th Serenity 0 + 0
The Delta 214
  • 2021/01/14 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 214 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
147th sommyrose 0 15th 13 99 + 0
315th scotlandserenity 0 469th 90 0 + 0
380th chessgenius142857 0 235th 57 0 + 0
43rd 3 Serenity 0 + 0
The Scoville 300
  • 2021/01/22 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 300 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
130th scotlandserenity 0 600th 131 0 + 0
186th sommyrose 0 29th 14 99 + 0
--- chessgenius142857 0 312th 77 0 + 0
50th 7 Serenity 0 + 0
The Shoutout 333
  • 2021/01/25 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 333 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
43rd sommyrose 58 10th 19 157 + 58
107th Z0OOOOOM 0 780th 78 0 + 0
205th scotlandserenity 0 675th 75 0 + 0
--- chessgenius142857 0 377th 65 0 + 0
41st 9 Serenity 58 + 58
The Raven 176
  • 2021/01/29 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 176 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
252nd Z0OOOOOM 0 888th 108 0 + 0
264th bonniemcawesome 0 424th 66 0 + 0
288th scotlandserenity 0 771st 96 0 + 0
316th sommyrose 0 15th 5 157 + 0
--- chessgenius142857 0 444th 67 0 + 0
47th 6 Serenity 58 + 0
The Ribbon 325
  • 2021/02/05 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 325 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
364th scotlandserenity 0 929th 158 0 + 0
370th Z0OOOOOM 0 1,064th 176 0 + 0
425th chessgenius142857 0 524th 80 0 + 0
467th bonniemcawesome 0 496th 72 0 + 0
509th sommyrose 0 22nd 7 157 + 0
52nd 5 Serenity 58 + 0
The Umbrella 150
  • 2021/02/10 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 150 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
37th chessgenius142857 64 255th 269 64 + 64
51st sommyrose 50 15th 7 207 + 50
258th scotlandserenity 0 990th 61 0 + 0
293rd Z0OOOOOM 0 1,132nd 68 0 + 0
--- bonniemcawesome 0 551st 55 0 + 0
31st 21 Serenity 172 + 114
The Moustache 100
  • 2021/02/13 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 100 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
145th Z0OOOOOM 0 1,190th 58 0 + 0
271st scotlandserenity 0 1,045th 55 0 + 0
341st bonniemcawesome 0 609th 58 0 + 0
369th sommyrose 0 20th 5 207 + 0
--- chessgenius142857 0 284th 29 64 + 0
41st 10 Serenity 172 + 0
The Intimidator 333
  • 2021/02/18 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 333 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
110th Z0OOOOOM 0 1,249th 59 0 + 0
143rd bonniemcawesome 0 654th 45 0 + 0
273rd chessgenius142857 0 314th 30 64 + 0
430th sommyrose 0 21st 1 207 + 0
--- scotlandserenity 0 1,099th 54 0 + 0
44th 3 Serenity 172 + 0
The Boomerang 300
  • 2021/03/04 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 300 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
1st sommyrose 110 7th 14 317 + 110
91st scotlandserenity 10 597th 502 10 + 10
248th bonniemcawesome 0 706th 52 0 + 0
--- Z0OOOOOM 0 1,326th 77 0 + 0
--- chessgenius142857 0 341st 27 64 + 0
34th 10 Serenity 292 + 120
The Arrival 200
  • 2021/03/06 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 200 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
34th Z0OOOOOM 67 360th 966 67 + 67
130th scotlandserenity 0 628th 31 10 + 0
414th bonniemcawesome 0 748th 42 0 + 0
421st sommyrose 0 10th 3 317 + 0
--- chessgenius142857 0 369th 28 64 + 0
29th 5 Serenity 359 + 67
The Checkmate 225
  • 2021/03/09 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 225 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
201st scotlandserenity 0 661st 33 10 + 0
203rd sommyrose 0 12th 2 317 + 0
238th Z0OOOOOM 0 390th 30 67 + 0
267th bonniemcawesome 0 784th 36 0 + 0
--- chessgenius142857 0 400th 31 64 + 0
34th 5 Serenity 359 + 0
The Rick Roll 250
  • 2021/03/12 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The boomerang
  • 250 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
26th bonniemcawesome 75 359th 425 75 + 75
170th Z0OOOOOM 0 414th 24 67 + 0
201st scotlandserenity 0 691st 30 10 + 0
462nd sommyrose 0 15th 3 317 + 0
--- chessgenius142857 0 426th 26 64 + 0
29th 5 Serenity 434 + 75
The Badger
  • 2021/03/20 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 250 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
274th scotlandserenity 0 726th 35 10 + 0
350th bonniemcawesome 0 372nd 13 75 + 0
439th sommyrose 0 20th 5 317 + 0
--- Z0OOOOOM 0 434th 20 67 + 0
--- chessgenius142857 0 448th 22 64 + 0
32nd 3 Serenity 434 + 0
The MSLA 350
  • 2021/03/26 @ 07:00 PM UTC
  • The paperclip
  • 350 Laps

Race results

Members Pts Points Se. Rank Season Rank Se. Pts Season Points Team Team Points
3rd sommyrose 98 7th 13 415 + 98
61st Z0OOOOOM 40 220th 214 107 + 40
470th bonniemcawesome 0 402nd 30 75 + 0
--- scotlandserenity 0 759th 33 10 + 0
--- chessgenius142857 0 480th 32 64 + 0
24th 8 Serenity 572 + 138